Your Soul Message in
Mythical Jewelry (Story Stones)
Stones have been here forever.
They’re ancient, silent, powerful.
All stones/gems - crystals, lapis lazuli, amethyst, jade,
coral -have electromagnetic energy that changes the resonance
in the body, causing cells to regenerate and realign. Color
affects the Chakras, the energy points in our body, soothing
nerves, strengthening immune systems and lymph nodes. Symbols
(as in Tarot and I Ching) have profound meanings to our subconscious

Sonne at Stonehenge |
you afraid of the dark? Place
amethyst at your bedside. Ancient wise women
believed black to be the soul color. To know this is to allow
the darkness to become a friend rather than an enemy; nighttime
would feed you rather than frighten you.
Amethyst is a soothing purple color
-aligned with the Third Eye-and looks lovely in the moonlight.
The moon is the feminine guiding light so let her shine on
you, nurture you.
Are you seeking your SoulMate?
A pink heart worn over the heart chakra will change your pheromones
(body scent) from desperate to desirable. If you add a little
red for passion, you'll have to beat potential soul partners
off with a stick!
Do you crave power?
Wear a dragon. Make it silver, for a
female dragon.
Need money?
Use jade.
Want to be a leader?
Wear turquoise.
Do you wish to be a speaker,
teacher, storyteller? Wear
Lapis at your throat.
There are hundreds of myths, symbols,
legends and gems that aid our healing and our evolution. We
simply must find them and use them. For millennium the matriarchal
societies believed the serpent to be the epitome of rebirth-not
an evil tempter of a stupid women as the Bible so outrageously
claims. The Serpent was revered because it is continually
shedding its skin for a renewed, younger, fresher skin (metaphorically
includes renewing mind, heart, soul).
the skin represents beginning anew, starting over, leaving
wrinkled skin, sagging ideas, and blemished experiences behind;
it represents acquiring fresh, pure, unwrinkled skin (or unblemished
mind and heart) unburdened by mistakes. That symbolizes resurrection.
Why should we fear our own resurrection? Wear a serpent ring
or arm bracelet to remind yourself of your daily resurrection
and welcome the new you.
Female wisdom is urgently needed today-it
has been buried for too long. That wisdom includes knowledge
of gems, symbols, legends. In this Size 1, Botox age, many
females have forgotten that within their DNA lies the Goddess-the
Wild women-all fierce and independent and nurturing, in every
shape, height, color and weight.
She is perfect (You are perfect). Today-right now-is the moment
to embrace that wisdom, for personal success and for the success
of all, including Gaia. To rediscover and reclaim this truth
is to access your divine purpose.
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