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Please scroll down the page for my current selection of books for sale.

ll books are personally autographed and if you buy three or more of my books, you will receive a bonus of ‘Psychic Soul Journal’, my 20-page booklet on how-to-journal.
Click Here for other downloadable e-Journals.

I write about ancient ideas, principles and myths that have changed my life and will be a positive influence on other women.

I write about truths and practices that I wish I had learned in my twenties that might have spared me years of anguish and many challenges.

I write to make life a little easier for you and for me. I write because we don’t have to reinvent the wheel of personal discovery or learn the hard way. I write what I want and need to read and can’t seem to find elsewhere

We all need constant reminders, nurturing, motivation and positive feedback to erase the programming that attempts to make us think we are sinners and separate from Mother Nature, and the environment and others of unfamiliar faiths or cultures. It takes continued focus to remember to let go of the past and live in the moment.

So I write and journal and affirm to engage the wise and noble part of myself and others.

This is my latest book and it became an Best Seller on the 2005 autumn equinox. It explores myth, legend, and symbol in fact and metaphor and explains how I design exquisite, mystical jewelry that empowers women. I use my research in tarot, astrology, I Ching, feng shui, chakras, mysticism, the Tao, Buddhism, Celtic mystery, Wicca and my fascination with the Wizard Merlin, the Irish Pirate Queen Gracie O’Malley, Goddesses of Greece, Rome, Egypt and the ancient lands, plus my experience with tea leaf reading, coaching and spiritual counseling to inspire those designs.

I explain about the process of connecting those legends to you with the stones, gems or colors that energize the stone and you. This book explains who, what, where, when and why of my one-of-kind mythical jewelry.

Legends Jewelry is an inspiring new approach to feminine empowerment using beauty as a female talisman. It could be better defined as your destiny in a gem, myth, legend horoscope.

Item Number: B-LS Price: $14.95

Finding Your Spiritual Path through Your Astrological Sign was written a few years ago when my interest in astrology, horoscopes, genealogy, metaphysics and the Tao all meshed with intense stream-of-consciousness journaling that produced this book.

I’ve re-edited it and Stellar Secrets is now back in print. Just in time to remind you that your astrological sign is a crucial guide to your sacred agreement. And your horoscope is your agreed-upon destiny. It is one of the many ‘hints’ the Creator has given you to find your purpose and to enjoy your quest. Since we are one with all ideas, practices, souls and spirits, this is a perfect book to inspire seekers new to their spiritual quest or those back on again after a detour to jumpstart their quest by using the daily affirmations, questions, and goal setting.
Item Number: B-SS Price: $14.95

Falling Down and Getting Up. This book was published in 2001 to compile the essays and daily guides I’d written while Editor of Science of Mind magazine. At the time I wrote these essays I felt so connected to Spirit. She felt like my best friend and mentor; I could ask Her anything and get an answer or guidance instantly.

I sensed an accelerated evolutionary time for me then and these writings reveal that growth and inward reflection and are excellent starting points for your own quiet time. Many people tell me they are inspired on a daily basis by these small glimpses of spiritual awareness that help carry them through the day or night. I value these insights as much today as I did when they first visited me.
Item Number: B-PA Price: $14.95

Coming Home to Authenticity. I wrote this book, Prodigal Daughter in my extreme feminist period. I was just discovering – actually understanding – the female holocaust, as well as discrimination against women, violence against female wisdom, destruction of women’s healing authenticity and I was mad as hell at what I was uncovering.

Religious patriarchy had programmed me (and all women) to be inferior. Political oligarchy had robbed me (and all women) of a voice. And I was so sick and tired of the good ol’ boy network that I wanted to spit or scream. Instead, I wrote this book and gave my Goddess mentor, Artemis, free reign.

This is a fierce book. It is a demand for personal authenticity – I was mad at myself too for being so duped – and a demand for religious and political honesty (yes, I was so naïve!)

This book is really a great read and has very helpful ideas about how to call your own authenticity out from the shadows of fear. And it lists the best books to read on the subject of forgotten (or repressed) female history.

Item Number: B-PD Price: $14.95

This was my first book. I had written lots of essays and short stories to this point, but never could get an entire book finished. I was motivated to help women and men learn how to use affirmative prayer to bring success, healing and spiritual evolution into their lives.

That ideal gave me the perseverance to complete a book rather than an essay. I’ve re-edited this book too, but only to add some notes. If you want to be rich, happy, content and powerful, this book will tell you how. It works for me every time. And it will work for you too.
Item Number: B-SO Price: $14.95

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I’m currently finishing a family genealogy/cookbook and have scribbles working on several books – one about the AntiChrist and another about the four Wisdom Goddesses and Wise women Circles. I think I may combine that with my connection to Merlin and Stonehenge but I’m still contemplating that avenue. I believe writing is alchemy and writers are wizards. I believe that because ‘ideas’ are invisible, ethereal energy. But when placed on paper ideas become visible words. Invisible to visible: that’s alchemychanging one element into another. That’s magical.

Legends of the Stones

"I loved this book! I found it to be not only informative but a true celebration of the marriage of beauty and power. Women have been drawn to and decorated with gems throughout the ages and Elaine enlightens us and gives our fascination for these stones and jewels a new rich meaning. Her presentation of this great ancient wisdom touches deeply the wise women of today."
D. Gold

,,,"..."Legends" takes you on a journey. It is a journey of self awareness, where a woman can flex her intellect and find new beginnings of empowerment. Legends of the Stones provides the reader with insightful knowledge and lost information from ancient cultures. The power of the past - the legends, myths and stories have much to offer, all one has to do is engage the possibilities. I have taken Dr. Sonnes suggestions and put them into practice. They have enlightened my views, strengthened my self acceptance and stirred my curiosity. This is a book I will refer back to. Use it as a tool for fine-tuning your inner spirit. It makes a wonderful gift." J. Kanaba

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