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A Life Map charts your agreed-upon purpose – in essence it is your personal map to who, what, where, when and why of this life experience. For that reason it could also be labeled a treasure map with your name on it. This Life Map goes beyond your horoscope and taps into the Akashic Records - the omniscient record of all things, in all times, for all souls. It is a call from the Divine.

Many visible and invisible energies influence your unique cellular and spiritual structure, your DNA. In all the world, you are a one-of-a-kind embodiment of a Creative Force, a beautiful mold never before and never again to be formed. Therefore, you can not and must not walk another’s path or perform another’s task. If you do, you are on the wrong path, courting dissatisfaction and despair.

Mystics have taught that we each make a Sacred Soul Agreement to perform some divine purpose when we arrive as a human in this Life Experience. Unfortunately we forget when we take our first breath and then we are programmed by the prevailing mindset of sin and poverty.

But we have a legacy from the Source: a Life Map based on various hints left scattered around in spiritual practices and mythic legends. We are meant to explore and seek out our map. When we discover the pathway to our pre-selected human journey, life is sweet. Serenity, happiness and nobility become our partner, and satisfaction and success become our experience.

When you are ready to look at your precious Life Map, I will use your personal soul blueprint and the following elements to uncover your Sacred Agreement and life directions:

Astrological Sign
Rising Sign
Tarot Card
Animal Totem
Gemstone Helpers
Symbol Guidance
I Ching Reading
Gypsy Psychic Reading
Half-hour interview
Half-hour results discussion

Your Life Map exploration will be grounded in my 30 years of research in astrology, Feng Shui, I Ching, Tarot, Astrology and my extensive spiritual seeking and Gypsy heritage.

The Life Map Fee is $650.00 and takes about 3 weeks to complete. I’m convinced the life map research results in a soul message of deep and lasting influence.
Click Here to order your unique Life Map.

You will be asked to fill in a form, which will allow me to create your unique Life Map and provide insights on your soul journey.

I use each of the ancient wisdom practices above to assemble each piece of the puzzle that is your Sacred Agreement or your Life Map. You already know where your spiritual path leads, but have forgotten. I will be your guide on this mystical journey and will point out various avenues that are open to you and I will help jog your memory by practicing the above wisdoms. There have been hints all along your pathway, and so we will recall them, catalog them and discover your Soul Message.

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