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I design rare gemstone jewelry for adornment and awareness.

Gemstones are minerals of various magnetic components, fused by Nature into rocks
of beauty and energy.

They influence your body's electrical connections that bond you to earth, sky, each other and beyond.

Think of earth's electricity trapped in
rocks by a volcanic eruption
millions of years ago.

That's the birth pangs of gemstones.

That's why beautiful rocks harbor
the mysterious ability to heal,
inform, influence and transform.

And that's why I design jewelry.
Because it rocks your world.

Necklaces from Ancient Design
Bracelets from Ancient Design

To design truly unique jewelry, I scour
the globe for rare and precious gemstones,
ancient coins, hand-blown glass,
prehistoric stones, antique gems and ocean,
mountain and desert treasures.

And I use silver that I mold and fire in my
kiln, copper and silver wire, ribbons
and pearls and found objects, carved stones and wood, antique silver forks and spoons,
a few feathers, horse hair, bones from
the Dinosaur Age and more.

Order a Custom Piece  from Ancient Design
New Wire Wrap line from Ancient Design.

Adornment and Awareness
Two powerful themes for wearing jewelry.

Gemstones enhance beauty
and for centuries the only
real power a woman possessed
was her beauty.

To survive and thrive, gemstones
became a powerful tool.

Cleopatra, Nefertiti, queens and
concubines adorned themselves
with rubies and sapphires,
diamonds and rocks of all kinds.

Not little rocks. Big rocks. And they thrived.
Little has changed.

Jewelry is about thriving.
Gemstones energize those efforts.

Click image to Meet the Artist
Click image to Meet the Artist

Ancient Design has been my muse since childhood.

Researching the glorious beauty and power of the ancient worlds
has revealed the secret power of jewelry and it ismy pleasure
to share those secrets with those who desire to know more.

Please come and wander in my online gallery and explore
your next piece of jewelry as beauty and power.

I’ll be delighted to tell you the mythical story about your
special ‘only one’ necklace or bracelet at purchase.

Most jewelry items are SOLD - We are in process of updating this site.
Please visit again

And be sure to check out my books, gifts, LifeMaps and more.
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Bracelets - Rings - Necklaces - Earrings - Gallery Treasures - Wearable Art
Resources - Ordering - Legends From Women - Special Occasions
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Copyright All Stories, Interpretations and Designs, Elaine Maginn Sonne, PhD., All rights Reserved.

Webmaster: Media People International

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